Thursday, May 12, 2016

Shiplap Inspired Accent Wall

I love the look of shiplap and the fun accent it can be, but I wasn't about to spend hundreds of dollars on wood.  So, when I saw this tutorial on Bower Power and decided to give it a go.

Our foyer is pretty big and currently painted the same color of beige as the rest of the house.  They repainted the whole house before we moved in.  I had originally wanted to stencil on this plain wall in the foyer but after stenciling in our master bedroom and in Hannah's nursery I didn't feel like going through all that again.  So, when I saw this easy fix I was super excited to try it and figured if I hated it I could repaint the wall, no money lost.

 First I marked off every 10 inches and taped off the lines.  Gosh, I love projects that I can do start to finish while the kids are napping!  Anyway, then I took some black craft pain and dabbed a little on the paint brush.   Then, I tried to rub most of the paint off on a paper towel so my line would look less stark.  Then, I removed the tape after a couple of hours and stood back and enjoyed.


    At first, I really wasn't sure if I liked it.  I was worried it looked like I had taken a sharpie and drawn lines on my walls.  But, it's grown on me and I like the way it adds some interest to that wall and breaks up the beige.

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