Saturday, June 15, 2013

More gift ideas

This gift idea is probably my favorite because it costs so little, but looks very expensive and custom.  The possibilities are endless!  These signs are perfect for wedding gifts, but you could make one for anything... and a couple for yourself of course.  The only thing you need is a small piece of wood (I usually use scraps from one of Sean's projects or we buy the scrap wood from Home Deport which usually costs less than a dollar- one time they even gave it to me for free , gotta love that!) and some paint.  The first thing I do is paint the wood a solid color, but you can leave it plain if you want.  Then, I print off what I want to put on the board in a cute font off my computer.
 Then I use a ball point pen to trace around the letters.  You have to press down pretty hard so your pen will make an indention in the wood.  Then, you peel off your print out and paint around the inside of your lines.  Once again you don't have to worry about it staying in the lines perfectly because you won't see them and the indentions help to keep the pain contained.

 I like to add the names on top to give it an extra personalized element.  But you just do the same process and voila!  Great wedding gift you know the couple will love that cost you a couple of dollars.  Can't beat it!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Inexpensive Gift Ideas

Summer always brings lots of weddings, baby showers, and house warming gifts.  I always want to give a personal gift but never have a lot of money to spend.  So, I'm always on the look out for cheap diy gifts.  

I wanted to make a personalized planting pot so I bought a plain clay pot from Home Depot and spray painted it black with some left over spray paint we had in the garage. 

Then I printed off what I wanted to put on the pot in a font that I liked and traced around the letters on top of the pot.
Since the paint hadn't been dry for very long it scratched the black paint off making it easy to see the tracings.

 Then I painted inside the lines.  You don't have to worry about staying inside the lines because you're painting over them anyways.

I thought it turned out so easy I made one for Sean's sister as well.

And then one for our front porch too! 

I used the left over paint from the dresser to add some color and the purple flowers add some nice inviting color as well.